271 Views • Nov 6, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
The Mystical Rose Apparitions in Italy
In 1947, Pierina Gilli, an Italian visionary, experienced her first Marian apparition in Montichiari, Italy. During prayer in a hospital chapel, the Virgin Mary appeared wearing a violet dress and white veil, with tears in her eyes. She revealed her heart pierced with three swords, asking for prayer, sacrifice, and penance.
On July 13, 1947, Our Lady appeared again, this time with three roses instead of swords. The white, red, and yellow roses symbolized prayer, sacrifice, and penance.
Our Lady introduced herself as "the mother of Jesus and the mother of all of you," asking that July 13th be celebrated each year in honor of the Mystical Rose.
"Mary is the master teacher of the innermost mystical life and the mother of the mystical body of Christ," Gilli explained. "Many divine and bodily graces will be received through this devotion," Our Lady assured.
The apparitions were not officially recognized until years later. In 2019, the Marian site was declared the Diocesan Sanctuary of Mystical Rose, Mother of the Church. The Vatican officially approved the apparitions in 2024, affirming their alignment with Church doctrine.
Cardinal Fernández stated, "The messages reveal a humble and complete trust in Mary's maternal action." Pope Francis endorsed the spiritual significance of these apparitions for the faithful.
July 13th is now celebrated in honor of the Mystical Rose, reminding us of the call to prayer, sacrifice, and penance.
In a letter approved by Pope Francis, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández indicated that the spiritual proposal from Pierina Gilli's experiences aligns with Church doctrine. Gilli's diaries describe her encounters with the Virgin Mary, who emphasized the need for prayer, penance, and sacrifice.
In 1966, the Virgin Mary appeared again to Gilli, blessing a miraculous spring in Fontanelle, known as the "Fountain of Grace." She asked Gilli to kiss the soil where the water sprang forth and place a crucifix there, symbolizing repentance and love.
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1 month ago
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah