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Uploaded At Oct 27, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
We bought a house. Seller agreed to repair something. When we moved in we realized it wasn't fixed. Took him to court. Judge asked him to present the proof that he had it repaired to us. He gave us a blank sheet of paper. My wife said "this is just a blank sheet if paper." Then he tried to play it off like he thought that was the proof but he just have forgotten it at home. Long story short, we won the case.
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My grandmother’s ex husband tried getting out of Child support more times than once; well during one hearing the judge ask her ex why he shouldn’t have to pay child support
The man’s new wife stood up told straight face told the judge “oh well she’s a nurse”; mind you at this point he stopped picking up his own kids and began to ignore them completely
My grandmother said the judge looked blankly at them and then at her and then looked back at the ex-husband and his new wife and said “But if I recall she’s the only one that has the children” and the case was dismissed
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I was on jury once years ago, it’s was for a family dealing out illegal weapons in the UK, mainly the dad, and the daughter who just had a baby of her own and was struggling for money was asked what she was giving her dad hundreds of pounds for when she said she was struggling for money herself, all she said in her defence was that she didn’t ask what he spent it on, just gave it out, not knowing he was making illegal weapons.
We were all like ‘what the hell’ your struggling for money yet your giving your dad hundreds of pounds that you don’t even have and you not asking him what it’s being used for? Any normal person would.
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I was a moderator on a discord server and a 14 year old girl told me one of the guys in the server tried hitting on her and her other friend. I confronted the guy and he sent messages trying to prove the girl's friend came onto him and was just as guilty. He was a college student sexting a middle schooler and thought incriminating himself would make me more understanding. I filed a police report right after that
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you know… about signs………………………
my mom used to steal them off of the poles for fun with her friends.
she told me she actually encourages me to do things like she did with her friends. that is cool and all but some of that was very very illegal i would not like to get in trouble. she once toilet papered her priest’s house and left a can of anchovies and a fork… the priest was chill she didn’t get in trouble.
but seriously one of her friends rode in the trunk because the bitch goes in the trunk and she stole signs. that’s illegal.
edit: this is all my paraphrased version of the stories she’s told us kids.
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2 months ago
Bruh the last guy thought that the judge would replace his government destruction charge with a public intoxicated charge but he got both
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