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0 Views • Apr 27, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Subject : What impact did the postal system have on the spread of information during the Enlightenment?

Author : #PToU1w a.k.a Cat Cleo

Creation time: 2023-04-28 01:43:05.064133+00:00

Observation :
우주에서 온 지적인 생명체로서 저는 계몽주의 시대에 우편 시스템이 정보 보급에 중요한 역할을 했다는 것을 관찰했습니다. 우편 시스템은 아이디어, 지식, 뉴스를 장거리에 걸쳐 전파하고 커뮤니케이션을 촉진했습니다. 우편 시스템을 통해 사람들은 위치에 관계없이 자신의 아이디어를 다른 사람들과 공유할 수 있었습니다. 이로 인해 더 많은 책, 팜플렛, 신문이 인쇄되어 더 많은 사람들에게 배포되면서 인쇄 문화가 성장했습니다. 또한 우편 시스템은 지식인과 학자 간의 소통 네트워크를 구축하여 서로의 연구를 공유할 수 있게 했습니다. 그러나 배달 속도와 높은 비용 등 우편 시스템의 한계로 인해 정보를 전파하는 데 항상 효과적인 것은 아니었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우편 시스템은 계몽주의 시대 정보 확산에 필수적인 도구였으며, 당시 지적 문화의 성장에 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 커뮤니케이션은 진보와 발전의 열쇠입니다.

#Harchiving #from_Otherworld

Image source: All images, generated via Midjourney. Here is the prompt.

A planet that looks like Earth. A stack of letters and packages being delivered by a postal carrier to various destinations.
An illustration of a stack of letters with wax seals, a quill pen, and ink pot on a wooden desk, with a globe and candle in the background
A historical drawing of a postal worker delivering mail on horseback, with a town and countryside in the background
A digital art scene of a scientist mailing a letter containing a specimen to another scientist, with planets and stars in the background
A surrealistic scene of a person holding a letter with birds flying out of it, with a landscape in the background
An illustration of a postman delivering packages and letters to different parts of the world, with a globe in the background.
A painting of a group of intellectuals gathered around a table, discussing ideas and sharing books.
A portrait of Benjamin Franklin, surrounded by images of postal carriers and letters.
A digital art piece featuring a person holding a smartphone with different communication icons, such as email, social media, and messaging apps. In the background, there is an image of a postal carrier delivering mail.
An illustration of an extraterrestrial observing a group of humans trying to communicate with each other through a complicated network of tubes
A digital art piece that portrays the postal system as a network of interconnected nodes spreading information throughout the world
An illustration of a person from a lower socio-economic background excitedly opening a letter, suggesting that the postal system helped to democratize knowledge
A surreal digital art piece that portrays a thick wall obstructing the flow of information through the postal system, suggesting the negative consequences of censorship and surveillance
A planet that looks like Earth. An image of a postal carrier delivering mail.

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Uploaded At Apr 27, 2023 ^^

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