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Views : 832
Genre: Nonprofits & Activism
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 9, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-10-10T01:35:58.728491Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I don’t understand how the point of this PSA is going over everyone’s head. These comedians are not actually joking about school shootings. They are repeating real threats made by school shooters who most likely made these comments masked as jokes but they were real threats as they went on to commit atrocities. And to enlighten others that people threatening to harm themselves or others should not be taken as a joke. SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. And jokes often have some underlying truth to them. Regardless of the content of the joke.
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I understand that SHP is now wanting signatures for universal background check? Well are they really checking things universally?
Because I think the problem is that just restricting access to firearms isn't going to quell the desire for death and destruction, so are they also going to do a background check to make sure they are going to the Timothy McVeigh way!
If he'd of done that we be talking about the 26 survivors. Would that be better?
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1 year ago
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