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Views : 13,558
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 8, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
For everyone saying that the oldest died or the kids all died, thats not true. You can look it up. Their band name is the Lennon sisters. They are not dead and they are still singing to this day. I tried my best to get this message out to everyone. The only two that died is one if them died from heart failure in 2008. The other one that died was a 16 month old who wandered into the street and got ran over by a car. She wasnt even in the band. Anyway, like i said its just a rumor and they wanted to sing the song because they were sponsored on a television show. im not so sure about the whole ww1 and ww2 thing but because i dont know, im not going to say anything about that.
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For people wo don't understand, in World War 2, there were kids who lost their parents from bombs, shooting, etc. And there was a shelter that took those kids in, but the shelter started taking kads for no reson what so ever. And the song their singing "but tonight you belong to me" whch is meaning that the kids seeing this,nthisisa warning in disguise kidnapped frkm their homes. Hope this helps ๐
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For people who dont understand the kids who lost their parents in world war 2 by bombs and fighting so the people took them and gave them a place to stay and also the tall girl got murdered (from these people) because she made scared faces and they didnt like it and im pretty sure that they didnt want to get cought i think they didnt want to get cought and guys please stop with the bad comments
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So this is what happens during,war || parents were with bombs and dangerous stuff.so the kids needed somewhere to stay while that was happening so they had this shelter thing for kids and so the kids went to the shelter when there parents were dying and then the people there made these girls sing a song about coming to the shelter.then after that well later that night,the tall girl died because the people at the shelter killed her
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So basically, these kids were forced to sing this song so people can come to the place sit there at there and theyโre saying that it is good good place but no it is a bad place and the tallest girl in the video was shortly murdered after and you could clearly see that she was looking around maybe for help or something to escape this trama
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In world war 2 a lot of kids lost their parents after they of course got killed so the kids got taken to safe shelters so this song is made for the sad kids so they would feel more comfertable i think with the "tonight you belong to me"as i way to say their parents are talking to them and comforting them? but the tallest one was lipsynking so she got sh0t i think
Hope this helps
1 month ago
Thank you everyone for 1k likes!
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