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Views : 15,906
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 8, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-18T17:13:26.175237Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'd agree with Lee winning, the fact that in my playthrough I made Lee lose his arm, get bit 3 times {Two Times in the hoard scene}, and get shot once from The Stranger if you miss the quick time event but you're given another chance to still defeat him. And overall, he was slowly dying from blood loss and turning into a walker cause he was bit in the shoulder and neck
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I disagree , First of all Kenny's durability is way more harder than you think , he took a clear shot from Andy in s1 and got up like nothing happened, he half lifted mike with one hand and Mike is twice his size and mike also was able to break the door with 3 pushes, he survived a literal brain damage from getting multiple hits from a radio and he almost knocked out carver on the ground with 1 punch , now Jane she used every dirty trick in the book and Kenny still came out on top despite being slashed in his stomach by her, and he also grabbed her and threw her like a trash bag on the sign with ease, and he also survived a car crash with no seatbelt
Anyways great video
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7 months ago
Lee VS Kenny ❌
Lee And Kenny ✅
Both Are Legend.
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