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Uploaded At Nov 13, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Your daily reminder!
Princesses are currency.
They are given to you by their fathers, the king, along with a dowry. He pays you to take her.
Shes been trained to be a lady above all others.
Shes knows she has responsibilities.
You want princess treatment? Wheres my dowry then? Wheres your daddy?
You really want that? REAAAAAALLY?
Give it a long thought.....because heres the real, real.....no one even trains women to be ladies anymore. Where you gonna learn that, huh?
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The bottom line is a lot of men devalue themselves because they feel like they need to be this breadwinner, and while that is our role is to be the providers, you have women that want to be unfaithful, do whatever they want, not follow biblical practices, not try to hold the family unit together, not even try to start a family unit, and all they're worried about is what they can get out of the relationship, what they can get out of the marriage, what they can get for divorcing a guy, and that's ultimately what they're end goals are...
And because unfortunately that is becoming ever increasingly more common, men just don't want anything to do with that, or they're too terrified to try, or two terrified to try again after they've already been burned really badly.
It boils back down to the same thing of "Women have all the advantages yet want to be the ones that cry the loudest"
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I had a recent ex tell me “you should always comp my bill”.. lmfao the audacity of women these days is impeccable… nothing to bring to the table other than pre-owned 🐱..
I must reassure that although this doesn’t apply for all, it sure as hell applies for most.
Good shit Sara, wish more thought along the lines that you d
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Thank you Sara. We men had enough. Let the simps do their thing 😂😂. Quality men have the money and resources. Took us years if not decades to get here we are today. Not going to waste in on ungrateful losers, Fix your lives and let us know what you can bring to the table. Never posted like I do on your channel. Much lov
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There is an old saying: "The person with the money has all the power." If the woman is paying for everything, then she has all the power, and of course, is the prize. If the man is paying for everything, then he has all the power, and then he becomes the prize. If they are sharing costs 50/50, then power is shared and they are both the prize. Pretty simple when you think about it.
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1 month ago
My wife of 21 years constantly tell me how much she appreciates me and values me. I love taking care of all of her needs. Great marriage!
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