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W edit goat Me vs You next? here are my feats
L.Strength: I can throw my brother (middle oldest brother) who is around 160 pounds to the floor while wrestling, this feat can also be a physical strength feat. I can curl 40 lbs for 4 sets of 8 reps. I can rag doll 2 16 year olds with ease which each weighing around 145 lbs. I can pick up a 200 lbs oven 3 feet off the ground with mid difficulty about 12 feet but this feat was like a few weeks ago and now I can pick up 200 pounds with low-mid difficulty. I also can flip my brother and hold him down with no difficulty (youngest older brother). I can lift 160 lbs with low difficulty (RDL lift) I can pick up 325 pounds for 2 reps with extreme diff (conventional lift) I could pick up a 350 pound fridge with the help of my brother (middle oldest brother) I also picked up a couch it was pretty light and i'm pretty sure the section of the couch I was lifting weighed in at around 120 pounds because I found the model online and that's what it said it weighed and I could lift that with one arm benching it (As a joke) as well as picking it up with one arm. I was able to pick up a 250 pound fridge with mid difficulty and I was moving It up and down a ramp to my house.
P.Strength: I can do 10-15 pull ups in a row. I can overpower two 16 year olds, I can go on par with my 21yr brother (who was holding back) I can put people in choke holds and they can’t get out I’ve done this to my youngest older brother and one of the two 16yrs I’ve fought, and was able to rag doll both of them 8-10 feet easily. I workout 6 times per week, also some of my L.Strength feats are P.Strength feats. Can push a 350 lbs fridge with one arm low-mid difficulty. I threw someone who is 18 and about 175 lbs into a wall while he was trying to lunge onto me into a wall with mid difficulty. Able to hold my own against an 18yr I did pretty well against him. And I was able to briefly overpower him.
S.Strength: I kicked through a 5 inch wooden beam (I measured the width) with minimal difficulty. which takes a little bit more than 248.67997 joules of energy or 183.41936126272313 lbs of force it takes 19.5811 j/cc (joules per cubic cm) to break oak wood which is the wood that I broke and the beam was about 5 inches trust me I did the research and revised this multiple times so I don't spread misinformation. I can punch through a thick wooden and plaster wall with ease. I've cracked someone's head with a few (1-2) hits making it bleed heavily. I've knocked someone to the ground with one hit knocking them out in the process.
B.Durability: According to newtons 3rd law every action has an equal and opposite reaction so I should be able to withstand 183 pounds of force with minimal difficulty since I was able to output that much force with that difficulty. I've dropped a 40-50 pound wooden board on my foot and was able to walk back to my house with minimal pain. I can tank multiple hits from people older than me I tanked getting slammed to the ground by my eldest brother when wrestling. I’ve bashed my knee into concrete stairs while running and was able limp back to my house it didn’t really hurt but It was just the fear of not being able to walk again yk. I’ve gotten thrown through A air hockey table which was really thick and I was able to get back up easily. I was able get back up from being thrown sideways to metal wall which left a dent in wall. Able withstand punches from an 18 yr to the ribs face and stomach.
P.Durability: I've also gotten stabbed in my hand by a kitchen knife and was able to withstand that pain till I bandaged it and even a doctor said I did good bandaging it. I've withstood multiple bites from a saint Bernard which has a bite force of over 250 psi this is also in endurance.
Endurance: I've gotten severe frost bite before. I've withstood multiple bites from a saint Bernard which has a bite force of over 250 psi. I can tank multiple hits from people older than me I tanked getting slammed to the ground by my eldest brother when wrestling. I was able to withstand being choked for 15 seconds by an 18 yr without passing out. Got my ass beat by that 18 yr suffering from a black eye and damaged windpipe bruised back and ribs (I’m pretty sure they’re fractured)
Travel Speed: I can run significantly faster than my puppy and puppy's have an average velocity of 15-20 miles per hour and I was running 5-6 feet away from him so i'm gonna say I was running at about 21 miles per hour if we are low balling but 25 mph if we are high balling . I have an extremely fast acceleration speed being able to get to 20 miles per hour quickly in around 3 seconds. Got up from being thrown into a wall in 2 seconds while going around 8 feet away from someone.
All levels of intellect: IQ/INTELLECT: I have an extremely fast learning curve so I learned coding, chess and other things extremely quickly (which I have learned) and that's why I get A+'s and A-’s in all my classes. I've been called a prodigy by my teacher. I am 1 grade ahead in math. I was in high school by the age of 13. I've found someones location just by one short video for fun (I know this sounds creepy asf but I swear it was literally just me being curious if I could do it lol)
MANIPULATION/DECEPTION: I study phycology so I have a good understanding of the human mind. I've done acting/directing/film writing since I was like 8 and I’m extremely good at lying (been able to keep up a lie for 9 months without getting caught), acting and making story’s to cover up any tracks from my lies.
TACTICS/STRATEGY: I know how to set up traps in the wild and lure animals and even humans into them (I'm not a serial killer I swear)
I know how to make fires, tents out of brush ect to survive in the wild. I know many war tactics since I study a lot of history.
REASONING/PROBLEM SOLVING: I was able to solve a conflict in my family by giving two side of the conflict good advice/evidence to help solve the problem. Btw the conflict wasn't something like oh you guys just have to talk it out it was a very serious problem.
PREDICTION/FORESIGHT: I was able to predict what my brother was going to try to do when trying to manipulate me into doing something for him. Predicted where my brother was running and caught up to him.
OUTSMARTING/QUICK THINKING: Outsmarted my brother when he was trying to chase me by leading him somewhere I knew he couldn't chase me and I escaped by parkouring up a building. I've also tripped someone off of a ledge when they were trying to punch me I tripped them off of the ledge.
Combat/Skill/battle Iq: I train in karate and boxing with my brother who trained in those for about 4-5 years of his life. I know wrestling and Jujitsu techniques I know how to survive in the wild and set traps for animals and humans so with prep most people I fight are kind of cooked. I know a lot of history and I study in it so I know a lot of tactics. In a fight that I’ve gotten into someone stronger than me threw me onto into a wall and came running at me while I was on the floor and I used his momentum to throw him into the wall.
Stamina: I train in boxing so I do a lot of jump rope so that's trains my stamina and I do that for about 10 minutes straight. i’ve ran with my puppy for 5-8 minutes non stop without getting tired. I do intense core training with my brother for 1-2 hours almost everyday.
Agility/Reaction Speed: I have been doing parkour since I was 10. I'm extremely quick on my feet with footwork. I train with my brother and he throws a ball at me at full speed and with an untrained adult man being able to throw a baseball at up to 65 mph and my brother is not untrained since he does play a bit of baseball, and i'm able to block and dodge it and even catch it sometimes. I also play basketball so that helps with footwork.
Weapons/aim: I have a beebe gun, a bowie knife, a baseball bat and a couple pocket knives. I've hit a shot that not even my older brother could hit and he has exp with guns.
Height/Weight/Age: I’m 5’9 I weigh 140 pounds 14 yrs
Physique: I’m a good mix of lean and bulky to be able to do parkour, martial arts, and weight lifting.
Imo I extreme diff you due to my B.dura, Endurance, S.Strength (I took S.Strength over gh00zt and he takes it over you) but honestly it could go either way tbh.
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1 week ago
Awesome edit 🥶🔥🔥
What app do you use for these ed