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Views : 1,145
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 7, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-03-02T00:47:56.93237Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I didn't try to work on this video, because I just don't have time. I wanted to tell these yogiri fans who are completely crazy and think their damn character is solos fiction and real gods. Why did I make this video? I saw that some unique person on the Internet wrote that yogiri beats the damn Ein Sof. you guys seem to have moved out of the cuckoos altogether, since you already think that yogiri has reached such a level. scaled tell you, it doesn't even reach the higher sefirs in Toaru cosmology, if you say it defines UA, then Assiah is already scaling above UA, and you need more damn scans to scale UA in ID. I'll tell you, young fans of Yogiri, I know that he is very powerful and beats half of all anime, but let's not wank him off so much, at least wait for the end of the series, you write that yogiri beats Ein Sof when Yogiri can't even destroy the Assiah cosmology in ToAru, and EIN SOF comes out beyond the damn Sephiroth tree. In ToAru, the novels tell in detail about this tree, and you can watch scans from DERBAUMKRIGER on our DISCORD SERVER, or read TOARU LN If you guys write that Yogiri beats Ein sof, what kind of jerk should you be? you write that Yogiri beats the damn creator. It's like writing that Yogiri beats Jesus, but let me make it clear to you. ToAru has a complete interpretation of Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur, AND EVEN a small piece of his MAGIC has harmed DRAGON LORD KAMIJOU TOUMA, who is currently the strongest in the TOARU VERSE.
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Kabblah isn't a character, it's a concept. There is no "true god" in Toaru because Gods are a classification of beings and not an individual. Note that God prior to manifestation is described as "everything and nothing" or 0. This is not a feat nor statement, merely a concept. Therefore, base Yogiri vores fodder sof.
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11 months ago
That's brutal
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