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Views : 172,022
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 6, 2018 ^^
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User score: 99.58- Masterpiece Video
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
How can I explain this, cats and dogs are different even this that I’m trying to explain is different in both of them but the way they look whenever they are approached to us, it’s so hilarious that I just laugh off. Like the moment he films Tessa she’s giving a side look of pure innocence as if she’s asking “I didn’t do anything! Please believe me!” a look of worry afraid to be scolded and that’s so cute! But way did I talk about cats as well, first of all because I have a wonderful cat called Mika (short for Mikasa) and this kinda look situation is completely different with cats. While with dogs they show a look of worry cats are more stern acting like queens and kings of the world so every time you approach them when they’re in their rest time they fill you with deceiving looks as if they’re saying “The f* you want from me now...” and then they’ll deviate their looks from you and look else where as if you don’t matter and then back at you again and then they start to slowly close their eyes as in a way of saying “Shush, I have no time for your rubbish anymore.” All and all even though I said this about cats (cause mine does this at least) they’re not devilish at all, in fact cats are as sensible as any other species and in fact I think cats are way more similar to humans then dogs because dogs are protective and nurturing 💯, cats are also like this but they display it much more differently... Look I don’t know, it depends on anyone’s own perspective, I love dogs just like I love any other animal but I never had one of my own (this sounds so selfish but I can’t put in other words) so I’ll say this for the same people that don’t have a clue of how to deal with cats when you have one someday then you’ll know just like with dogs. Well and now I’m going to shut myself cause I’ve spoken so much already my thumbs hurt. Bey bey
4 years ago
I remember back when this guy was YouTube famous for doing flips in his backyard while kicking soccer balls... Congratulations on all your success Tom!
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