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Genre: Gaming
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Uploaded At Jul 22, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
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For me, Tales of Berseria hits that simple but have a skill ceiling, in that game, you start with a simple combat, but as you play the game more, you get more abilities like "Holding Block gives you extra buffs" or "pressing the burst soul button during a casting time to switch to the next art to it", I enjoy that because that means the more you play, more mechanics grow with you, especially if you want to achieve the mystic artes as you need to reach a big combo to get the 2nd or 3rd version. And each character playing different make you want to get good with them, like your second party member has a parry as their "burst soul" arte, so there's a mechanic to learn
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Making games shallow will forever make me facepalm cause i still dont see the gain in it , you either get the A scenario where the game feels too hard and you have barelly any options too handle its enemy or you just fall asleep and besides GAME DEVS DIFFICULTYS EXIST FOR A REASON if someone is struggling they can just turn the diffuculty down and still have fun , atleast the one good thing about shallow games is that it makes me appeciate games that dont throw their core identity away like Dmc or doom and new games that actually try too not be shallow on purpose
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Probably an unpopular opinion but I've never really liked the idea of games having a low skill floor but compensating for it with a high skill ceiling. For me a game just isn't satisfying at all if what I'm doing is braindead, which is what a low skill floor facilitates. You could say then that I should try and hit the skill ceiling, but I find it hard to push myself to do that without the negative feedback of a reasonably high skill floor nudging me to attain at least some reasonable level of competence.
With these easy-to-learn hard-to-master games, to me it just feels like they're saying "yeah when you first start out you'll be mashing buttons randomly like a braindead chimp but if you stick with it and play for 300 hours eventually you'll be able to do some cool stuff that's pretty challenging to pull off."
But I don't want either of those things, I don't want the challenge and engagement to be so back-loaded that it's basically non-existent until the second or third playthrough. I want it up front. I'm not saying the game should require you to be a donguri-level master right away, or that it shouldn't be possible to play for thousands of hours to eventually reach that level. Just that the skill floor at least on the default difficulty shouldn't be absolute rock-bottom either.
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Increasing accessibility doesn't inherently mean simplification. Take Ghost of Tsushima's relevant options, for example. They allow the user to slow down bamboo-cutting prompts to accommodate players with limited hand mobility, increase the size and brightness of unblockable/unparryable icons for the vision-impaired, stuff like that.
And it's independent of actual game difficulty. Someone who needs one or more of those options enabled can still play on the hardest difficulty modes the game offers, while someone who doesn't need them, or perhaps has the gall to find such options demeaning out of a misunderstanding of who they're for, can keep them toggled off the entire time.
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I'm part of the camp that sides with you, Chaser. While I agree with making a game easier to market toward the casual audience, I believe that it shouldn't come at the cost of the enjoyment it beings to long-term players.
I'll use Guilty Gear as an example. I like Strive, but taking tools from the characters for simplicity's sake doesn't sit well with me. We have less room for player expression. I, for one, enjoy the grind of finding vastly different opponents because it makes me want to see how much each character is capable of. The tight, reserved movelists of Strive make me feel like the devs are trying too hard to balance things, sacrificing the crazy BS for a much more bland soup of a game.
One of the only people I have seen earn there ability to complain about certain AAA trends.
Plays indies, and can identify their unique strengths against other projects.
(I don't mean this as demeaning. I just normally see videos complaining about "the state of gaming" from people who have never touched an indie in their life).
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1 year ago
Just putting this out there: The games that I'm playing aren't examples of simplified games. There are just games that I wanted to put in the video while I talk.
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