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Views : 15,742
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 31, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2024-06-28T23:13:58.505991Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
this video has a lot of symbolism, ngl
Henry being the spider because of the webs, being his legacy, and the characters that had their lives destroyed by him being stuck in the webs.
"The web that will spread through the world" is a very Henry line. reminds me of "My evil has already leaked into your world. Go ahead. Let me die."
and Peter being tired in this also makes me think of something else: Peter, of everyone in the Flipside crew, is the only one who actually had closure. he managed to his live life after Freddy's with his wife and his brother. he was basically dragged onto this web, as according to Blackjack, he kinda just pulled his soul to the Flipside as bait for Jack, making he let go of eternal peace, while ALL of the others characters had a mission (Jack, Dee and Blackjack) or didn't have closure (Dave and Steven)
maybe it's a very absurd insight, but i really loved this little animation, great work!
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1 year ago
I LOVE THIS!! Peter just laying there like “I’m too tired for this shit” someone help him 💀
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