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Views : 13,407
Genre: Science & Technology
Uploaded At May 5, 2023 ^^
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User score: 98.97- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-06-02T13:23:47.053739Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
48:37 this poppup is irrelevant on harmless as hard damage does not exist on this difficulty, but if you'd allow me to infodump...
Hard damage is a feature in ultrakill where taking damage also temporarily limits your maximum health. You get more hard damage and keep it for longer on higher difficulties, but the whiplash also turns missing health into hard damage, though doesnt limit max health to anything below 50. Getting style ranks (above the +STYLE BONUS indicator) Sadistic through SSShitstorm boosts the decay of hard damage by 1x through 3x respectively, and being at ULTRAKILL rank (the highest style rank) clears hard damage completely, making it a necessary thiny for players to manage while taking on intense challenges, as one can simply not die so long as they keep their style up and keep the blood greasing their gears (or parrying, too)... well, taking damage does reduce your style by a rank, so its not as simple as maintaining style and blood, you can't take too many hits or your ability to heal up will be taken away.
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1 year ago
hes doing his best
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