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Views : 1,070
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 5, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My personal headcanon is that Lanius is real, but he became such a profound legend amongst the Legion that myths and legends began to slowly grow about him... Thus, certain people's tellings of his past vary and have misinformation due to a blending of fact and fiction, with only select few like Caesar himself knowing the truth
Joshua: Myths are only as powerful as our imaginations, you earned the title "Monster of The East" because of your savagery on the battlefield, I have earned the name "Burned Man" as a punishment for my allegiance with tyranny. I got my reward at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, now, Lanius. I may not be able to defeat you but with God on my side, I might yet have a chance at redemption.
1 year ago
I like that centurion-styled helmet
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