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Views : 1,548
Genre: Film & Animation
Uploaded At Jan 25, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-01-26T15:41:00.349528Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
One question can maharaja take a universal attack kid goku can destroy the moon maharaja is city level where did maraga get light speed when did maharaja get faster than light speed when did mahara get infinite speed and you don't point out goku can adapt to this is just dumb it's your opinion but your opinion is wrong maraga needs time goku would give him that but he can take a universal attack whoever said every opinion is right is wrong some opinions are wrong that's just a fact
Well this really just depends on whether Goku goes easy and lets Mahoraga adapt to his attacks or not.
If Goku pulls the trigger and uses an insta-kill attack like Sukuna's or Gojo's domain expansions, Goku would in fact win.
Lets not forget, Goku could somewhat use the Hakai in the DBS manga, which means he has enough techniques that he doesnt use and could use against Mahoraga to kill him right away rather than let him adapt.
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This is so dumb somebody that is multiversal compared to somebody who city level is stupid
Goku is way too strong kid goku can destroy the moon and in the end of dragon ball not z or super dragon ball he is already planetary far surpassing maharaja your opinion is wrong because of feet it doesn't matter if you adapt if you can take the attack it doesn't matter how strong you are you can take a galaxy level attack
1 month ago
Why it feels that everyone started copying me for 2 years