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1 year ago
How about being aware as what got droped off?
Have you noticed the interesting reference to what God said to Moses at the burning bush, in the course of discussion between Jesus& the learrned Suddesses recorded in Mark 12:18 which has lost its main subject about the existence of an afterlife& the ultimate judgment individualy, leaving only the denial of the function of marriage at the resurrection, and as a proof; Jesus presented that God declared that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac& Jacob.
By now people should have realised the whole argument with these learned men who were not believers in the afterlife at all, nor in us standing up individually for account judgement. This central crucial belief is droped off from the entire Jewish bible (the 1st 5 books) but jesus was trying deliver this basic creed belief to them, referencing the 1st conversation between God& Moses at the burning bush.
When the texts are examined carefully, there is no mention of the belief an the final hour, resurrection nor afterlife in Exodus 3& 4, nor is this made clear as a basic faith - creed in Mark 12: 18-23 in Jesus debating the Suddesses.
Were this belief is restored - however - is in the Noble Quran, were almost every second passage is about the belief in the afterlife or atleast mentions it. The burning bush conversation between God& Moses clearly has the belief in the afterlife where individuals will be made accountable (Noble Quran 20:15).
Islamic creed is the same unique belief of Jesus, Moses& in keeping with the original missing revelations& teachings given to them, prior to being droped off by people who are too afraid to face the ultimate judge& determined to remove such references to it, leaving passages like Mark 12: 18-23 redundant in being devoud of anything to be debated, besides the side issues such as the denial of the custom of marriage in the afterlife, or an accepted fact that God of Moses is the same God of his forefathers. There's is nothing important to debate the learned men at that meeting in Mark 12:18-23. The heat was taken out of the oppurtunity for Jesus to guide the Suddesses away from their eternal loss in their denial of existence of the basic belief in an afterlife- the real life.
Read the Quran& study the Islamic faith if you want to be saved, or atleast if you care to find out what Jesus& Moses Realy thought was important to believe in.
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