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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 592,901
Genre: Gaming
Uploaded At Nov 27, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.89 (1,421/50,363 LTDR)
97.26% of the users lieked the video!!
2.74% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 95.89- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-12-05T12:12:46.144064Z
See in json
4 days ago
The song 🗿
The girl🗿
The singer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The viewers 🗿
The song listener 🗿
The saver of the song🗿
The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿
The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this
The comments🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
My hands while typing this 🗿
The keyboard 🗿
The alphabets 🗿
YouTube 🗿
Thumbnail 🗿
Subtitle 🗿
This comment 🗿
Those who likes this comment 🗿
Those who comment in this 🗿
Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿
Those who comment '🗿 The song 🗿
The man🗿
The transitions 🗿
The viewers 🗿
The song listener🗿
The saver of the song🗿
The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿
The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The comments🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
My hands while typing this 🗿
The keyboard 🗿
The alphabets 🗿
YouTube 🗿
Thumbnail 🗿
Subtitle 🗿
This comment 🗿
Those who likes this comment 🗿
Those who comment in this 🗿
Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿
Those who comment '🗿' 🗿
my sugar mommy 🗿
my demond down on my bed🗿
the man when train hard 🗿
my pretrain🗿
my friends🗿
the sigmas who thinks they sigmas🗿
the gigachads who comment the comentary🗿
ur girlfriend🗿
ur dog🗿
ohio sigmas🗿
mr beast followers🗿
average phonk user🗿
ur skills🗿
442 |