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Views : 16
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 24, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-24T21:36:38.37136Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Here are a few tricks of mine to filter faster and better.
#1 Allow the dirty jar content to settle overnight. I've glued a very strong magnet on the outside of 2 jars near the bottom (2 jars allow me to alternate cleaning and filtering). Solids and suspended gunk will fall to the bottom the ferrous stuff will stick where the magnet is. It must be a strong one.
#2 I use a Melitta plastic filter single cup holder (often made out of red plastic). It's supposed to fit over a cup so it fits perfectly over the type of jar seen in the video. But ...
#3 I've glued the Melitta filter holder to a ring cover for jars (cover with removable center) so that the 1 filter holder can be screwed to each of the 2 jars. Nothing will fall and do a mess.
#4 To minimise clogging of the filter and maximise speed of filtration, I use the glass rod method used in chemistry (do a search for a video) with magnet side up. I guess one could used a cut spoke. This allows to really minimise the solids going into the filter.
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