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Views : 151
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 9, 2025 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-01-10T04:43:58.56248Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Pity parties are a great self-care tool, tbh. It's a super healthy way to acknowledge and hold space for your feelings.
Also, Cake is completely appropriate for any party. Especially a pity party of one! 😉
Hope your cake was comforting, and paired well with tears of frustration and disappointment.
Some days really suck. Thankfully, all days, even really crappy ones, are finite
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You’ve had a life altering event. It’s so normal to grieve the life and future you would have had. Now, things are so unknown, uncertain, different and difficult. Healing after your accident and then the major surgery takes time. That can be so frustrating! Then you have to work to strengthen, to stretch, to get back endurance that you never even thought about before. Ride the roller coaster of your feelings. It’ll smooth out eventually. ❤️🙏
You seem to know a lot of people and have a sprawling network. See if anyone you know knows a neurologist who can get you in sooner. I was able to get a new PCP who wasn’t accepting new patients because a friend knew a nurse who knew the doctor. It’s worth trying. You seem to be exceptional at networking.
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2 weeks ago
You got this bro, been following you for a while and you seem like one of the strongest people I’ve ever seen. Best of luck with everything, and hopefully your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. ❤
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