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Uploaded At Sep 12, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I love rust but thats not what they’re meant for. Python widely used because its readable, easy to debug, and can be developed faster because of that. Rust doesn’t have as much readability, but it uses a compiler and its safer memory-wise than c++, even though c++ is faster. Like the “If you judge a fish my its ability to climb a tree, the fish will live its life believing it is stupid” thing
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Disingenuous comparison though, Rust is a compiled language while Python and JS are interpreted. That overhead alone is significant and has its own benefits and problems.
You can just compile a dynamic-link library in C, Rust or anything that compiles to machine code and call it from Python when the interpreted route is too slow anyway
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here is the thing, python was never intended to be a fast language, you can't compare it by speed, the most fair way to compare languages is by how good they are at what they were intended to do, because, let's assume you compare languages based on how good they are at string manipulation, well then perl will come out on top, even though it doesn't deserve such a spot
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1 year ago
Honestly, optimizing python itself is for the most part, a trick question. If your project is so large in scope and requires actual time to compute things, you need to seriously consider rewriting the performance critical portions in another language.
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