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Views : 1,539
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 19, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-20T19:25:27.011151Z
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2 months ago
gw2 chomper could be alot of help, he can insta kill all zombies as long as he is burrowing, or behind them (unless they are an imp in mech form, engineer on big bolt blaster, or cap deadbeard in barrel blast) not to mention twilight and unicorn chomper, which can TELEPORT to get away, OR to the enemies (unicorn has two charges of the ability that teleport short ranged, while twilight has one charge but the equivalent to two unicorn teleports) Count chompula, which heals upon swallow, hot rod, who speeds up upon swallow, and of course, the other variants, (fire chomper, electric chomper, chomp thing, toxic chomper, and armored chomper) the first four being “Spray” chompers, that instead shoot a constant mass in an area infront of them, really just a short ranged flamethrower. armored chomper, who does more damage, and has more health, but is REALLY slow. and of course, Disco chomper! who after a few kills, for a bit, has higher speed and damage. (i think)
not even mentioning gw2 torchwood, corn, citron, or peashooter
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