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Uploaded At Jun 29, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
If an electromagnetic field can have its shape altered or manipulated by a static magnetic field then is it also possible to there is something that can manipulate or alter an electric feild or dielectric field? Im thinking along the lines of a natural existing force that can have its energy harvested to amplified the effect !
before describing energy the question you have to ask yourself with an open mind is "what is time?" and then you will realize basic thermodynamics is wrong like walter russell describe in their books and tesla and many mentioned before, also the broken symmetry theory tell us something entirely different to the basic point of view
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i'm not quite sure of your concept of energy... what is the energy necessary to move an object from here to there ?
it's happens to me wanting my cup of coffee which was too far for me to grab it (3m) and i was blocked by many people , when thinking how to catch it , it teleport in my hand ! so what is the energy coming from, is this concept of coming from valid ???
it's looks like i just imagine a new reality and it was here... so no energy involved....
Thank you Ivo. I have speculated about what resonance is and understanding it is between the dielectric and magnetic is helpful. Have you watched any of the Gerard Morin videos and what he called his RF Pump or Hyperdrive. He just seemed to disappear from the internet once he supposedly completed his project. His last video made is nowhere to be found now either. Did he die? Was he otherwise silenced? Or did he accomplish his goal an go into reclusion? There were SO many interesting observations and maybe even discoveries he revealed along the way. I think you might find interesting new insights watching them
too. BTW...according to Ken Wheeler magnetism IS the extrinsic attribute of the dielectric and they are technically 2 conjugate and incommensurable expressions of the same thing. Would you agree or disagree?
1 year ago
Re upload, because I accidently deleted it!
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