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Views : 239
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 26, 2023 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-09-27T05:03:38.775469Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hey JD: Who knows what Mikolas will bring next year to the starting staff, but I’ve seen enough of Ritchie Palacios to believe his game is for real and it plays very well! Could his emergence tempt the FO to dangle other players for trade bait that they might not otherwise had intended before he showed up? After all, he too plays infield and outfield very well. Or perhaps some other team sees value in him and he becomes a trade chip. His emergence has put another good Card in the FO hands at the poker table this off season!
A player by the name of Bryan Torres had his contract purchased by the Cardinal's from the Brewers on Sept. 17th. Torres was the MVP of the American Association in 2023. All reports had him being invited to join the Cardinal's MLB club at the time.
However, NOTHING has been reported on this transaction since then. So what's up with this.
Torres not only won the MVP in his league. He also won the batting championship there in both 2022 and 2023, as well as setting the league record for stolen bases with '79, this past year.
So, it's really weird that there has been no news about this by the Cardinal's since they purchased his contract. Is there an unknown problem with the player or something? Drugs, domestic, legal? Why else would the Brewer's just sell the contract of this budding star, to a division rival, much less?
1 year ago
Awesome game, and Vintage Miles (Lizard King) Mikolas 🤓😌! Too Bad we just aren't a Good team
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