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Views : 636
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 4, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-06T23:40:56.42657Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I am of a race that is commonly descrimated against, i am lgbtqia+ and afab. I am scared for my fellow friends amd family who live in the u.s... thus is demoralizing and heartbreaking, i have never felt more powerless, broken and dull.. my cheery demeanor has been reduced to this sad, mopey shell of the person i once was. My friends are in pain and im not there to help them.. i cant help them.. stand together, please try to keep yourself safe please.
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I’m scared to, I already know some of my friends are going to probably off themselves cuz they said they would if they couldn’t be themselves. I still don’t know if they were “joking” or being serious, which scares me to death of the thought of losing them. I’m hoping that they don’t no matter what happens, but I’m still worried for them. I also have no idea how I’ll react which worry’s me even more. I’m areo/ace and female I don’t want to lose my rights because of that. Idk what does anyone reading this think?
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1 month ago
hey everybody I wanted to so that if Trump wins the election tomorrow that doesnt mean he's only going to take away lgbtq+ rights, he's also taking away womens rights, people of colors rights, and much more. Unless your a rich white sexist old man please vote for Kamala.
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