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Views : 27,229
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 10, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.932 (83/4,810 LTDR)
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RYD date created : 2024-11-17T23:49:21.745733Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Everyone talks about how the middle child has it worse but no one talk about what the eldest has to go through as the oldest out of my siblings I am expected to clean and cook and take care of my siblings. When they misbehave it's my fault if they break something I get blamed I never get a break
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YEAA like I feel like my parents just get so lazy sometimes they make me do most of the stuff for them, or I subconsciously feel like I must watch over my little sister. One time my sister was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO MY MOM!! Watching brain rot, my mom didn’t even notice until I pointed it out to her, (my sister can only use kids YouTube not regular YouTube she somehow got on regular YouTube so yeah) also I feel like they baby her, she does have some brain issues but I feel like she is old enough to help with some chores.
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As the eldest in my family, personally I think parents should be the MAIN example for their children. I should not be telling my sister she shouldn't be doing something dumb, they should for example. Normally when a child's parent is not their biggest example it shows those parents either don't care enough to set one or just don't care in general. I'm not saying all the time parents set great examples for their kids but it's good they at least tried to set one. Also other kids shouldn't be the biggest example for children because learned behavior obviously or similar things. Now I'm not saying parents will always be amazing and not give their kids horrible learned behavior (hitting,cussing,ect) but they should definitely be their kids main example of what to and not to do in life.
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2 months ago
Not speaking personally, I just happen to be the eldest child. I know my parents raised us, but i sometimes feel like I'm expected to lead an example or take care of my younger siblings?
Im speaking generally when i say that sometimes parents give the responsibility of raising their child to the first born, regardless of age and i think it's not talked about enough.
Alright, thats everything byeeee
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