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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 6, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-07T04:05:12.64798Z
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4 months ago
He guys sorry for speaking kinda fast just in case you could not follow here is my script
This president was an amazing founder. Okay first let me explain, John Adams, was the second president of the United States from 1797-1801 before that he was part of a committee of five to help draft the declaration of independence, he was also a diplomat in france and spent 8 years be washington's vice president. But as president his background as a diplomat was a huge advantage. For one the XYZ Affair, this was an incident between An american and French diplomat, where a failed bribery took place. The French demanded a bribe to aid in war with britain. Then what ensued was what is known as the Quasi War. Which was caused because of growing tensions because of America’s neutrality in Europe, so when france had a revolution they were mad when America was neural. Also The French had been taking American ships. So John adams helped solve this half war with diplomacy by sending for peace negotians in 1799. The only real blunder to him was the alien and sedition act, which meant you could get in trouble for speaking against the president.