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Uploaded At Sep 13, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-01-27T17:34:24.499441Z
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4 months ago
I will like to break it step by step before answer it.
1. Tobi is the reference point. Ruth and Vivian are his neighbors.
2. Prosper is second to the right of Tobi, so the order is: ..., Ruth, Tobi, ?, Prosper, ...
3. Vivian is also Tobi's neighbor, and Usman is Vivian's neighbor, so the order is: ..., Ruth, Tobi, Vivian, Usman, ...
4. Simon is not Prosper's neighbor, and Queen is between Simon and Winny, so the order is: ..., Simon, Queen, Winny, ...
5. Since Winny is not between Usman and Simon, Winny must be on the other side of Simon, so the order is: ..., Usman, Vivian, Tobi, Ruth, ..., Simon, Queen, Winny, ...
Now, let's combine the two halves:
Usman, Vivian, Tobi, Ruth, Prosper, ?, Simon, Queen, Winny
The only one left is Queen's other neighbor, which must be Prosper's other neighbor. So, the complete arrangement is:
Usman, Vivian, Tobi, Ruth, Prosper, Simon, Queen, Winny
I guess there is only one possible arrangement that satisfies all the conditions.
In a circular arrangement, it will be like this below.
Usman -> Vivian -> Tobi -> Ruth -> Prosper -> Simon -> Queen -> Winny -> Usman.