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Uploaded At Jan 17, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This looks so much like my boy! For several years, I worked for a foundation that rescued and rehabilitated wolves, and, at one point, one of the wolves that was handed over to me, as a "client" was a 7.5 week old, solid black, gray wolf pup, who was almost dead. He had been left for dead, up near Yellowstone, and was actually, just, barely clinging to life still, as he battled with severe parvo, a tapeworm, and a severe tick infestation, which was so bad that he had been suffering from severe blood loss and anemia, in addition to everything else. All in all, these things, in combination with one another, were a recipe for disaster, and the likelihood of him surviving, was slim to none; perhaps, a 2-3% chance, if that, even. Nonetheless, I began doing all I could, for him, around the clock. I removed each and every tick, by hand (which was a massive job, in and of itself, considering how many there actually were, on this poor, little thing, and how much his black coat managed to conceal and obscure them from sight). I had him on IVs, various medications, etc. He was a mess, but I took him home with me and made sure he was warm, safe, and as comfortable as possible, throughout the entire duration of his treatment. He preferred spending most of his time, fast asleep, on my lap. He was a tough, little fighter though, and he surprised all of us, with his relentless determination to live, and, ultimately, that is what he did! Against all odds, he had survived, but by that time, he and I had formed a really close, and special bond, with one another. His high level of intelligence, and extensive capacity for critical thinking, and analysis, made it very clear, that he fully understood what I had done for him, and that he was able to recognize the effort I had invested, and put forth, towards caring for him, and trying to save his life. This bond was definitely felt by both of us, and as a result, I no longer felt comfortable giving him up, or surrendering him to the wolf sanctuary. I pursued this, and, ultimately, ended up meeting the necessary criteria that permitted me to keep him. That was, now, 3 years ago, but to this day, I still have him, here, with me. He is my best buddy, and my most loyal, and amazing companion. He and I share a deep love and respect for one another. Today, he is as healthy, and handsome, as can be. He is a big, beautiful alpha male, who leads his own, little pack. He is a great pack leader, and although he is still, very much, a wild animal, in many respects, he is, undoubtedly, my whole world, and a completely irreplaceable, and wonderful companion! Wolves are such beautiful, majestic, and highly intelligent animals, that actually have more in common with us, than anyone would ever expect. Sadly, they are, often, so terribly misunderstood, by humans. I sincerely hope that as the human collective evolves, and becomes more open minded and understanding, that old habits, and preconceived judgements, can be replaced by new information, and outlooks, on these lovely creatures! They deserve our respect, and the contribution they make, towards the health, longevity, and sustainability of the ecosystems, that support their existence, is profound, and incremental to our planet. These animals, just, have so much to offer, on such a wide spectrum of levels, ranging from human interactions, to environmental enhancements, and I hope more and more people are able to see beyond the outdated, and inaccurate, preconceived ideals, surrounding them, and, ultimately, begin to see them in a new, and positive light.💜🐺
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2 years ago
Beautiful wolf majestic wolf🐺😍
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