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Views : 48,086
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 22, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I think Striker could win, since there were two things holding him back in the final battle.
The first thing is the location. The sea is where Slattern seems to do best. Striker was also probably debuffed by this since it’s harder to move underwater, and all ports had to be sealed, preventing the use of the very effective chest cannons.
The next factor are the pilots. There’s a line in the movie stating that “The deeper the bond, the better you fight,” when describing the Drift. Pentecost and Hansen didn’t really have a strong bond or relationship, so that was also probably holding Striker back. Not particularly saying Striker could beat Slattern, just saying that it could be closer than people think.
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2 years ago
Striker could kill Slattern in the movie but Slattern call Scunner for help but if Slattern have not called Scunner, striker could kill Slattern
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