How Much Is Freedom Worth?

2 videos • 0 views • by Leonardo Outeiro Built by Luís Santos, this installation is a machine/game of revolutions. In it we will be able to recognize metaphors for the structures that form our Society: how we are connected to each other and influence each other and the unique role that each of us has. Inspired by the clock mechanism, and by the diversity of proposals from the entire artistic team, the set designer creates this invention; a contraption that is a machine, that is a ship, that is a vehicle to discover and express Freedom. During the creative process, we counted on students from the watchmaking course at the Pina Manique Education and Development Center at Casa Pia de Lisboa, as working partners. Leonardo Outeiro's original music is an integral part of this machine of revolutions, which can be visited and experienced alone, in a group, or even revealed through the solos that the actors and actresses propose to us over the months. What about Freedom? Can we measure it, weigh it, smell it, listen to it? Who knows, even touch it?