Can progressive macroeconomic policy for a just transition work domestically and internationally?

4 videos • 23 views • by Positive Money UK Since the 2008 financial crisis, many leading thinkers have called for a new economic settlement. Central bank power has expanded with little accountability, with monetary and fiscal policy frequently pulling in opposite directions. The ecological crisis, intersecting with new kinds of crises in the financial sector, price instability, rampant inequality within and between countries, and social and political unrest, makes establishing a new macroeconomic regime an even more urgent task. Over two days in June 2024, we brought together experts and civil society representatives for a number of workshops to discuss what a macroeconomic framework for a just transition would look like, at national and international levels. Jointly hosted by Positive Money and the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (@uclinstituteforinnovationa3121). The opening panel remarks of four sessions were recorded, followed by group discussions held under Chatham House rules, and many thanks to Rime Mahdi (Instagram for all their filming and editing work.