5 Minutes for Democracy
13 videos • 126 views • by Place e.v 5 Minutes for Democracy - A serie of 10 Videos! Subscribe to follow us and to be updated on the publications! Questions of the Interviews: 1- What is democracy for you? 2- What do you think are the indicators or criteria for a democratic country? 3- Can we assume that there is a European-style democracy that is different from the form of democracy in your country? 4- In your opinion, is democracy compatible or incompatible with some countries? 5- Do you think there are alternative systems of government to democracy that would be more suitable for our times or for your country in particular? 6- How can young people today contribute to solving the current crisis of democracy? 7- What future can we expect for democracy in this post-Covid 19 era? 8- Voting should be a source of democratic legitimacy, but the loss of trust in the democratic system means that many citizens no longer vote. Does it still make sense for you to vote in your country? 9- What is your general assessment of the state of freedom of expression in your country at the moment? 10- All over the world, democracy is in crisis. What do institutions and governments in general need to strengthen their democratic system and regain people's trust? Coordination: Richard Gatchoko Sponsor are https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/ https://www.katholischer-fonds.de/ This video is for non-commercial purpose. PLACE-For-AFRICA is an initiative of NGO Verein MeineWelt www.verein-meinewelt.org Mehr auf https://www.place-for-africa.org/ mit Interviews und kommenden Aktivitäten Join the PLACE community on https://place-zaman.org/