Some of My Favorite Songs: Not Video Game Soundtracks Edition
4952 videos • 9,460 views • by Idothinkysaurus 8/29/23 - Forever: Crippling Gwar addiction. 11/6/19 When this playlist hits 5,000 videos (the cap), I'll make a second one called "Some of My Favorite Songs: NVGS" so the title isn't so long. 6/29/18 The playlist grows ever more. Though, it's hard to keep your place because playlists are only supposed to be 200 videos large, and I'm 10x that and then some. 3/20/18 I thought the playlist was broken, but YouTube just fucks with your settings I guess. It was on manual ordering, instead of newest on top. So if anyone who cares about this list was wondering why it kind of died, it didn't. Enjoy the musical bomb! Okay, so! This playlist is my magnum opus. My greatest accomplishment. THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE UP TO THIS POINT IN MY BORING, LOUSY, USELESS TEENAGE LIFE. It will soon be surpassed, however. Though it's hard to beat a playlist with so many DAMN good songs and clips. Memes are music, and music is music. Dance your heart out, man. No one is watching. (OR ARE THEY?!) OTHER OLD DESCRIPTION: Question my sanity all you want! Yes, I know, a few of these aren't songs. Yes, I know, it's a few hundred more than "some". I changed the order, so now it's newest first, and the stuff from me going through my liked videos is now somewhere in the middle. I'm just gonna say fuck it, and just enjoy the fact I condensed my liked videos into the important bits. OLD DESCRIPTION: And yes, the deeper you go, the younger I was when I liked those videos, and only now am I putting them in a playlist. BUT, after Diggy Diggy Hole, which is extremely old, everything is in the now. (Which means I found it today, or yesterday, or this week.)