COSMIC RHYTHM (2021) - the bottomline
8 videos • 261 views • by the bottomline Dear friends, fans and followers, …there it is finally!! We are very proud to present you our overdue debut album! The following eight tracks on this record are a selection of songs, which are new interpretations of old titles from the last few years, as well as a little new ones. We took a lot of time to make this album and we did almost everything by our own: from the positioning of the microphones, the entire recording process, the editing and the premix. At the beginning of this year, we decided to outsource the preprocessed material for the final mix and masters! We hope you like the result (like us) and you can enjoy the sound of COSMIC RHYTHM! At this point we would like to take the opportunity to thank all our friends who have believed in us over the past few years and, above all, who have often given us vigorous support. Without you so many achievements would not have been possible!! Special thanks go to Moritz Gröger from Hertzkammer recording studio, Rainer & Manuela Nuß for extensive support on so many levels and Leon Wilmanns for so many hours of work in the background. Thank you all and love, Franzis & Elia (Cologne, July 2021) ~ Sternenstaub in Formation. Live vom Planeten Erde, im auditiven Spektrum zum Bild geworden schwingt es sich ein im Nadelöhr Mensch. Geschehenes wird geflochtenes Hologramm, geformt zu einem Organismus, bebildert Fahrbahn, verklingt in Kommunikation. Zum Aufklang Ein Abklang ~ All Songs on this Album are written, arranged, and performed by the bottomline. Lyrics and composing by Franzis Lating. Recorded by the bottomline in 2020 and 2021. Mixed and mastered by Moritz Gröger / hertzkammer recording studio, Cologne. Released on July 16, 2021. Franzis Lating - vocals, e-piano, synthesizer Johannes Elia Nuß - drums, synthesizer ~ We would also like to release a CD and vinyl version of COSMIC RHYTHM. In order to be able to finance this production (partially), we are planning to start a crowdfunding campaign soon!