The Old Dark/Sci-Fi Tranquilizer: Movies to Fall Asleep to

300 videos • 1,786 views • by Erich Kuersten As a sleep aid, nothing beats billowing rain, howling wind, mysterious strangers skulking in b&w bushes, menacing cues, ape suits behind the fireplace, and midnight readings of unusual wills,.... oh except maybe the kind oof 50s sci-fi zone-outs, made on the cheap expressly to lull late-night insomniacs to sleep with on TV. As long as there's lots of boring stretches and a kind of amiable floating kind of ''this isn't really making sensezzz" vibe. Whether for hangovers (and the far end of deep benders) or just breathing deeply... Put up the foot-rest, and let this list of cinematic Remeron lull you into that sweet sweet void wherein consciousness and body... at last... disengage. You can even note how long you were out by what movie in the list you wake up during.