Free Form Funkafide Filth
9 videos • 114 views • by thetruthisoutthere32 Unfortunately, the first of this series was flagged and has been censored by Youtube. Apparently, the right to engage in political speech under the First Amendment only stretches so far. It appears as if you are free to speak in this nation, so long as you have nothing to say. Well, I will continue to speak regardless of those who take an anti-American stance and wish to prevent others from exercising this fundamental right. And I will continue to do so, even after the corrupt U.S. government makes it a crime to do so, because to me, and the people who wrote and ratified the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it is an unalienable right. Any government that seeks to limit this right is illegitimately grabbing power that is not theirs and must quell the speech of its subjects in order to to it.