FEATURED (wip) - 'Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble'

8 videos • 10 views • by Wii2PLAY THE NEWEST Super Monkey Ball game built from the ground up in over 12 years of 'Banana Splitz's premiere! Aiai and friends bump into a new monkey, who is desperate to find her father! She believes that he went to seek out a golden treasure that rumors say will grant UNLIMITED BANANAS to those who seek it!!! With that, Aiai and crew set off on their newest adventure, unbeknownst to the fact that somewhere in the shadows are others who will stop at nothing to gain that power for themselves first!!! ((THIS PLAYLIST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!! I HAVE NOT BEATEN THE MAIN CAMPAIGN YET, NOR DONE ALL THE SIDE MODES! THIS PLAYLIST WILL BE UPDATED OVERTIME WHEN THEY'RE READY TO BE UPLOADED TO THE PUBLIC!!!))