Free Kids Yoga Games and Resources

4 videos • 50 views • by Go Go Yoga for Kids It is time to have fun teaching yoga to children in energetic and memorable ways. After years of research, lesson planning, and teaching thousands of children yoga, I have completely cracked the code on teaching yoga to kids. Grab your Free Kids Yoga Lesson Plans, resources, guides and templates. I am excited to share these prove resources. Believe me it took a long time to get to this place. Lots and lots of time. In the beginning, I would spend hours and hours planning my kids yoga classes before I felt ready to teach it. For those of you who love going to adult yoga classes, you may be wondering how hard can it be to plan a kids class. It seems like it should be easy enough. Teach the kids some poses, flow them together for a bit and end up in Savasana. That’s all you need, right? Wrong. Well not, entirely wrong! Kids yoga and adult yoga are similar in the fact that both include learning and practicing poses, and both end with relaxation. That is where the similarities end, though. These free resources will get you energized and excited about teaching yoga to children!