Coleman Mini Bike CT200U-EX
12 videos • 80 views • by I’m thebrosman Welcome Riders! Thanks for checking out my channel. Extensive modifications have been done to this mini. NOT the same old shill that you see everyday. My Mods have been done to give me a RELIABLE FUN MACHINE THAT STARTS ON THE FIRST PULL, THAT I CAN SLIDE DOWN A STEEPHILL WITHOUT TEARING OFF A CRITICAL PIECE OF MY BIKE. A BIKE THAT GOES WAY FASTER THAN STOCK, YET IS ASRELIABLE AS THE MANUFACTURER INTENDED. I Love my Coleman. If you have one, or you're thinking about getting one , this is the model to get. Guys! Look at this Bad Boy! It does about 40 mph. Not the fastest, but Pa-lenty Fast on the trails. Yet the motor has not been put in a condition to "float valves" because of stupid red-line revs. Please let me know what you think. "Ride Dangerously and Take Chances, just DFD"!