Rob Christian
8 videos • 11 views • by Malaysian Prophet This is a mirror of Rob Christian's Youtube channel. More of his videos can be found at his channel here Excerpt from his channel: Rob Christian is a well known Christian Apologist, Debater & Teacher who has debated many muslims on the infamous Paltalk panel. For the last 14 years he has debated many muslims including imams & scholars of Islam. His mission is to expose the teaching of the false prophet mohammed, Qur’an and Islam, so that muslims might discover the facts that have been hidden from them by their deceptive imams and sheikhs. After many years and dialogues with muslims, he can conclude that many poor non-arabic speaking muslims in the world, have fallen victim to this “Political Ideology” because these translators are nothing but deceivers. Please help support him through his patreon and my also by speading his videos throughout the inter-web.