Emsella For Men
1 videos • 0 views • by Blue Water Spa Enhancing the performance of the pelvic floor muscles is vital for both genders. These muscles provide support to critical organs like the bladder, rectum, and reproductive structures, such as the prostate. The role of pelvic floor muscles is crucial for controlling bladder, bowel movements and also for sexual functions. The Emsella apparatus, approved by the FDA, treats urinary incontinence in both males and females. In just a 28-minute session, an approximate of 11,000 perfected kegel exercises can be accomplished. When undergoing the therapy, patients are seated fully clothed on the Emsella chair. The treatment does induce a feeling of muscle activation, but does not elicit any sexual sensation. At Blue Water Spa, we cater to both male and female clients for Emsella treatments who are generally fit and wish to target their core's base, essentially the pelvic floor. Similar to exercising any body part, beefing up the pelvic floor can enhance weak areas and act as a preventive measure for those aiming to preserve their pelvic floor's health and strength. Notably, many men, especially those past their 40s, often report needing to wake in the middle of the night for bathroom visits. Some men may need multiple nocturnal visits to the bathroom, which can disrupt their sleep quality and overall wellness. On the other hand, other men reveal an increase in their sexual pleasure, featuring longer-lasting erections and heightened orgasms, following a series of therapies with the Emsella apparatus.