A particle A Day - Volume 1
7 videos • 8,968 views • by Yoeri -Luos- Vleer This is the showcase of "Luos's A Particle A Day, Volume 1" Volume one contains first months effects, materials, textures, material functions, vector fields, meshes and more. This package will be available on the marketplace for a decent price, and mostly intended to additional learning and acces to all the textures, material functions, meshes, vector fields, etc. Not all the effects are usable in games, and are only intended as a showcase to show off what can be done with the aforementioned textures, meshes, mat-functions, etc, etc. This should be seen mostly as a mini-tool-box filled with neat little things that you can use to create awesome effects with. Besides all that, the package could also be seen as a support-luos package, to support me while I am doing the particle-a-day project :)