Sonic Chronicles: TDB - Fan-Remastered Soundtrack
61 videos • 214 views • by NotSkell Welcome to Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood Soundtrack remastered by fans. The original soundtrack was composed by Richard Jacques and Steven Sim, but apparently, due to time constraints, copyright issues and/or poor communication, the soundtrack ended up being rushed, compressed and sometimes even dissonant. Some of the music manages to stand out from the crowd, but there aren't many of them. However, a few musicians who are fans of the game have reworked most, if not all, of the game's music, adding their own personal touch. The aim of this playlist is to let you listen to a soundtrack that has been revisited and improved by fans, while still retaining some of the original's good music. I neither own nor have published any of the music on this playlist. All credits go to the respective authors. Composers : - DavidKBD - Gecklo - Lil Boulder - Knuxfan24 - Hatokman - Judgestead Guitar - LostImpact Music - The Noble Demon - TheBlurCafe (who even made a bonus credit theme)