Chaturthi 4th Day - Navaratri (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi) Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Mother Goddess Devi Chandi Kavacham

265 videos • 6,533 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening Navaratri Day 4 Chaturthi with our Divine Mother (Kavacha of the Devi) - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Happy Navaratri 2021 (Playlist) Navaratri Puja 2021 (Website) Shri Mataji Navaratri (Channel) Devi Kavacha (Playlist) Amruta: 1988 - The Kavach of the Devi is again recited. We take the name Shri Kush-manda (The one whose void contains the universe). She is considered the creator of the universe. Often She is depicted as having eight or ten hands. She holds weapons, glitter, rosary, etc, in Her hands, and She rides a lion. "The other day I told you that you should not react. It is human nature to react, it is absolutely human. But if you are to become superhuman, you should not react. By not reacting, you will grow, definitely you will grow. But if you react, then you cannot not grow. Because you are working under the pressure of other things that is not yourself. Now supposing, as I said, I see these carpets, I know the colour and this and that, and I react to it -- finished. I will not have any sense of judgement if I react to it. But if I don't react, then I´ll know whether these carpets have got vibrations or not. Are they emitting vibrations or not? Now what are these vibrations? -- that is the love. So the communication is like this -- if you have the light you can see things. So when you see things, the light is there and light gives you the perception, gives you the vision to see things. In the same way, when you are enlightened, what happens is that these vibrations start flowing -- just like the light, and in that light you can see things which are good and which are bad. But sometimes you put the same parameters as human beings do. Like you go to some house, a very nice house, a very good house -- all these things make you very happy, but actually -- what about that house? Is it having good vibrations or is it having bad vibrations, is it worth living there or not?" (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Navaratri Puja, Sept 1998, Cabella) "So we have made it short now, just take a 'bandhan', it is the same thing as Kavacha you see. Realised souls, if they take a bandhan is the same thing. Whatever you have said here is done, yesterday's and today's, everything that has been said, all these Raksha Kari is done in one stroke. But now we should know how many of us take bandhan before going from the house, before sleeping or before doing something important. How many people take bandhan. Very seldom you forget it. Very important, going on a journey, going on a road, better take a bandhan, not that we are all right, Mother is looking after us, is not the point. You must take bandhan before doing all these things. If you get an accident, then know that you have done some mistakes, or something otherwise, normally there should be not an accident, means there is something still lacking in you. Which was promised long time back by Markandeya, now you have achieved it. This he had promised 14,000 years back that when Mahamaya will come, She will do this work, that it will happen. We must realise that we are getting all the promises fulfilled for us. Now, we have also certain promises to be made and we have to ask a question. Have we fulfilled our destiny in life or not? This is a question we should ask, and we should not roam about in smaller petty things. Think of a bigger vision about yourself. All these books have talked about Sahaja Yoga. But we must bring all religions in their true form, in their pure form. This is the work, one has to do, is to bring the religions in their purest form and not to adhere to them, whatever form has been created or done by human beings. These religions are not created by human beings but by incarnations. So, human beings have made them artificial, they have made all kinds of nonsense with them. We have to remember that religion in it's true and pure form. We have to respect and they are all just the same. If you come to the truer form, they are just the same, like the different petals of the flower. One may not look the same as other, but the whole thing makes a flower." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 14th Oct 1988) Shri Mataji 1985-03-25 Chaitra Navaratri Puja, Delhi (Hindi) Resources: