[14 hours] Java tutorial for beginners | Java full course for beginners | Java from zero to hero | Java from scratch
48 videos • 25,021 views • by Begin Coding Fast This playlist is a full course about basic concepts of Java programming for absolute beginners. You can gain the basic knowledge of Java in 14 hours. The playlist starts with installing Java and Eclipse in Ubuntu. Then it discusses primitive data types and primitive type casting. Control flow statements (if-then, if-then-else, switch, for, while, do-while) followed by break and continue are demonstrated in detail. Classes, constructors and methods are illustrated in depth, including the use of abstract class, inheritance and interface. Excepting handling (try-catch-finally, throw), exception propagation and custom exception are all discussed. keywords: primitive data types, prefix and postfix operators, logical operators, default constructor, method overloading, equals method, static method, string, array, arraylist, math class, random class, comparable, enum, wrapper, user input, file input and output, file redirection, debugging, catch block, checked and unchecked exception