30 videos • 15,743 views • by Angelos Spartalis “Buttocks divine!” This is what my grandmother would call a delicious dish. She would! Angelos Spartalis, all alone, in a real kitchen, talks to himself while cooking real food for real people, sharing with the universe, filming himself and his obsessions. Often, he invades friends’ kitchens unawares, making them cook on camera. At other times he visits exotic destinations in or out of Greece, supposedly studying people’s culinary habits. The only son of a Cretan mother and an Egyptiot father, Spartalis grew up in Germany. Painter, filmer, a graduate of engineering and aeronautics, with two daughters who boldly own him as their father, Spartalis carries within him a chaotic gastronomic and political universe that he vainly tries to suppress into some sort of order. With cooking as the pretext, this show casts a furtive, wayward glance at burning philosophical issues like “who are we?”, “why exist at all?”, “is there life on other planets?” and many more, usually in a sprightly, batty mood. Because “optimism is the refuge of intellect and genuine goodness”. www.spartalis.gr/cook/index_ENG.html