Lord of Spirits Study Guide 2023

8 videos • 146 views • by St Mary Orthodox Church The popular Lord of Spirits Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio has been a really turning point for many in their understanding of the the Bible and how it relates to our times and our Orthodox faith. This class aims to come along side the good work of Frs. Stephen De Young and Andrew Damick with a review of and deep dives into recent podcast episodes. Our Fall course will focus on their recent series on Eschatology (i.e., The End Times) that started June 10, 2023. We’ll go into detail about subjects such as Who/what is/are the Antichrist(s)? What and when is the Millennium? Doomsday and the Four-Horsemen of the Apocalypse Christ’s Coming Again (and Again) Eternal Damnation and the problem with Universalism You don’t need to have listened to the podcast episodes to participate. We’ll go over what was covered in them and add even more bits and pieces, along with visual aids, where useful. Wednesdays starting September 27 you can join us in person after Vespers or on-line via zoom. Classes will be recorded and made available for later watching as well through on our YouTube page. Register now to get your confirmation link with information on how to join! "Lord of Spirits Study Guide" is a ministry of St. Mary Orthodox Church and not affiliated with Ancient Faith Radio or The Lord of Spirits Podcast except as an expression of the greatest appreciation.