Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gameplay Videos
12 videos • 0 views • by Wycoconut Gaming A collection of my Live Streams and some recorded videos of my attempts to roam Ancient Greece "peacefully" (or not). Those who have followed me when I first started streaming this title on Facebook Live would know how tragically I left the game for almost a year because I was completely spooked out by relentless bounty hunters. I can now safely report to you that I managed to finish the main story (the tough monsters like the Snake Lady and the Poison Farting Pig is my next-to-kill list)... and funnily enough I come to love defeating mercenaries when I needed a quick run occasionally. If you have played the game before, pretty sure you'd enjoy it as much as I did. One of my bucket lists is to play all Assassin's Creed titles big and small. Another new hobby of mine is photo mode, which I would like to explore more if I can afford the shiny new AAA titles in the future... Like and Subscribe to My Channel if you wanna see it happen!