SOAR Informational Videos
31 videos • 109 views • by Jan Jorgensen Be the Light and SOAR! SOAR means "Sounding Our Authentic Resonance" and is a template for people to live in communities that overlap by visitations, live-in creatives and more. It is the form for the New Communities that will seed the strong, resilient realtionships that can go the distance in a chaotic world that is increasing divisive and unstable. The idea is this, if you have a property that can have a gathering, invite a teacher who is good with principles of sustainable living, the arts, or Leadership arts. Have her stay overnight at your place, invite your community. Repeat. Imagine a network of women doing the same thing, a wave of traveling women into welcoming communites. How wonderful. This is what I do when I visit a community with my Queens Caravan!!! The Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour encourages women to open their homes to others for visits and or live-in options. With the invention of tiny homes, RV's is is possible to help others live in loving community while thriving and inviting master teachers in to keep yourself expanding. If you are wondering how to do this, call me: Jan Jorgensen RN, CmP, PHN, PhD