ABOUT RAGE - The Soundtrack
19 videos • 88 views • by Erin Banks This is the soundtrack to my serial killer novel that will be published later in the year. The album is a mix of soft Rock, Rock, in part with Country and Blues elements that, together with Peter Douglas’ beautifully haunting voice, complements well the lyrics/poetry I wrote and for which Douglas composed most of the music. Special thanks to Michael Ghelfi Studios for permitting us to use his torture chamber sounds, to Elissa Kerrill, and everyone else who contributed! ❤ The novel ABOUT RAGE seeks to explore the inner workings and journey of a female serial killer with a uniquely complex psychopathology. The protagonist delves into questions of morality and humanity, exploring how trauma plays a role in creating violent offenders. The reader soon finds themselves pondering who the protagonist versus antagonist is. Is it the unreliable narrator and female serial killer, or the stranger with shadowy motives, who suddenly appears in her life? Our serial killer is soon not only aided by her “secret weapon” but by those she had never dared hope she could share her true self with. She discovers more about her past and must fight a seemingly omnipotent enemy… ABOUT RAGE is a fast-paced psychological thriller, interspersed with horror elements.